Premier League wanted to create awareness of the great work they do at grass routes level through their Primary Stars initiative and challenge perceptions.
Featuring Premier League's new 2017 branding, we created 10 authentic films portraying the hard work of those involved in the Primary Stars initiative and the successful and emotive results they deliver for kids across the country.
Working with Premier League football clubs and their community co-ordinators we sourced and researched real heart felt stories of success, where the Primary Stars programme made a real difference to either the pupil, the teacher, the parent of the community as a whole.
Title: Primary Stars Content Series
Client: Premier League
Production Company: ITN Productions
Brand Agengy: Y&R
Head of Branded Content: Mark Thompson
Head of Creative: Kathryn Cox
Director: Sunny Bahia
Producer: Richard Gay
Production Managers: Claire Lambert / Anna Connolly / Zoe Waller
Offline and Online Editor: Rhyss Hall